Well what a journey it has been writing this book for you all. Like anything you do that is new, it sure teaches you a whole lot.
Anyhow, if you have followed me for some time (back to 2013) you might remember how I lost all my paintings in transit (somewhere between LA and New York). I blogged about that experience HERE. All’s well that end’s well and I literally got my paintings hours before my Art Expo show was going to open, (zero sleep that night).
My daughter took the above photo yesterday, and it sums up my present feelings perfectly as the current situation I am in right now feels eerily and awfully familiar.
I am going to have the launch of my book “There is a Paintbrush in my Coffee” tonight, with friends at the Roxburgh House. But I have NO book!
I got a call this morning from the head office telling me that my books will not be here today. There was a stuff up. They were supposed to have been delivered on the 21st of November. Instead they will be here tomorrow (2nd of December). So, I had a little cry, then pulled up my socks and started trying to find a silver lining. There really are bigger problems in the world.
The worst thing about this whole book fiasco is that it has been a situation completely out of my control and I have been the subject of a series of unfortunate events with the (quite reputable) company printing my books. Pictured above is the 1st book order I received, on the 5th of November.
I was super excited until I opened the boxes and realised they had been printed with the wrong cover. So a second order was placed by the company, to be printed as a priority, and guess what. There was a technical mistake and the same incorrect book was printed for the SECOND time. Apparently I am the first person in the history of the company to have that happen twice, (what rotten luck?!).
That leaves the third copy, (the current one). This was the one I was to have for tonight’s launch. I was very hopeful that like my paintings lost in a terminal in Los Angeles, the books would arrive in good time, but that is not to be and my wait remains.
The good news is (the silver lining), that my initial monetary outlay for my books has been refunded, and I have been apologised to profusely. The company I am working with, and I am not going to name drop, is a large, global one, and one of the reasons I went with them was their reliability (ha ha) and their ability to print locally in Melbourne. I spoke with my dear friend Julie Gibbs this morning, she worked for Penguin Books for many years and comforted me by saying that she herself has in the past, had to open several book free book launches.
Anyhow, I have learnt so so much about the book industry, self publishing is far from an easy option, but it will all work out for the best in the end I know and this will be a distant (funny) memory and another story I can have to tell. I really prefer painting you know!
A week or so ago, I got very nervous about the book not turning up and so I started hand painting some book covers, to make them kind of like a “zine”, a bespoke, one off, kind of thing. That was far more work per cover than I anticipated and so I only got 50 done. They are pretty and unique and I will have these with me at the launch tonight if anyone would like one.
The important thing is though, that at the very heart of this book, which has a subtitle of “Living as a Creative Parent” I am saying this; Things so often don’t go to plan in life, and you have to roll with the punches, keep getting up, keep having a go, keeping doing, keep working.
So, I hope that if you are coming along tonight that you will have a wonderful time regardless of the book not showing up for the actual launch, and that you will still buy the book either as a preorder tonight, or at the Makers Market (Until Christmas) or here from my online shop.
There is pizza for $20 a head, live music, drinks and friends, and late night shopping and nibbles across the road at the Makers Market..
Thanks guys and go easy on me!!
Jasmine X