I recently had the pleasure of painting a large wall piece for HKwalls.org to coincide with Hong Kong Art Fair week. This is when Art Basel and Art Central come into town.
My piece is titled; THE WALL OF A 1000 THOUGHTS, this references the physical act of painting the work, and the meditative aspect of that, as well as the engagement with the thoughts of all those who come by. The use of the recessive boxes (or Thought Catchers) are a visual representation of this process! It also considers the architectural surrounds and has several subtle locational references!~ The work is located at 8 Queens Rd Hong Kong! ~
Big thanks to @hkwalls @eicopaint @islandpacifichotel @hk_design_centre @designdistricthk_ddhk @vanshkg and all the other wonderful sponsors who have supported this Hong Kong Art Fair week project!
#hkwalls #australianartist
#alleyesonme #alleyesonyou #jasminemansbridgeart #havepaintwilltravel #hamiltontohongkong #hkartfairweek2019 #hkwalls #geometricart #lookinginwards #alwayskeepadiamondonyourmind #hongkongart #eicopaint #thoughtcatchers #1000thoughts