
I am kicking off 2021 with some new scarves for you all.

Titled Make Magic, the design is full of my favourite geometric forms and taken from the painting of the same name.

They are a beautiful silk with hand rolled and stitched edges, and at 60 x 60 cm they are a good size for versatile wearing and can also be framed as a unique artwork.

There are only 45 available so they are a very limited edition.

For the last few years I have been committed to supporting the work of Create Impact NGO, and so $20 from each purchase will go directly to support their projects in Ethiopia.

Here is an update of the situation there and why supporting the work there is more pressing than ever.

For over 10 years, Create Impact has been working with remote communities in Ethiopia to improve villagers access to safe water, education & primary health care. Our approach to reducing poverty is based on local partnership, local empowerment & long-term sustainability.
Then last year, Ethiopians faced two unimaginable crises simultaneously: the pandemic AND civil war. For the first time, our focus narrowed to addressing the immediate needs of people who were suddenly living without food, water, shelter and often family.
Within weeks, more than 1000 people arrived in Lalibela – they have been displaced from their homes due to conflict within country. With high food prices & loss of incomes, these homeless families are facing starvation. So over the last few months our team in Ethiopia has been delivering essential emergency food packages.

With no real end in sight to either crisis, this is an ongoing cause we are supporting and we still very much welcome donations to our Emergency Food Fund. Yet we also remain committed to our long-term projects, including building schools & health clinics, as this is how we can create real change. 

Please feel free to share your scarves of your socials with me! Just tag #jasminemansbridgeart

Also if you are overseas please email us at hello@jasminemansbridge.com with your order requests. I now have after pay as well and you can shop the scarves here.

Thanks for getting behind all the things I do…

Jasmine X