
Hi guys,

I am a lover of a side project and these robes/kimonos have been happening ever so slowly behind the scenes, a small scale fabric print run and a talented local sewer bringing them to life. I had been wearing my own robe everywhere for about ten years and when it started to fall apart I decided to make more to share with you all. They are super comfortable, great for in between seasons wear, they can be dressed up or down and as they are reversible you can be loud or subtle depending on your mood. I loved wearing mine while travelling and also to wrap and breast feed babies in. They really are the best and available to purchase here.

As promised and as a thank you for having me in your inbox, I am letting you know first, before I pop them up over on social media, speaking of social media though, if you do buy one please tag me with #jasminemansbridgeart so I can find you!

Also if you miss out, don’t stress as I am planning to have some more made if these go well. I have recently restocked the scarves, they make great gifts and are perfect for the cooler months ahead. I also have Afterpay now in the store, as a payment option.

Have a wonderful week won’t you!

And scroll to the bottom to see the Shape Shifting robe in action…


Photography by Nikita Cherry