I am often collecting stones on my travels, and these are some of my favourites, all with shapes that caught my eye. When I was younger an artist I spent a lot of time with Lorna Napurrula Fencer painted one for me and gave it to me, 20 plus years later I still have it in my car and it feels very significant to me..
Combining the organic geometry with my own feels very pleasing, giving the stones another life, embodying them with significance. The portals capturing memory, marking time and place. The exchange from me to you, my energy and ideas. It all feels very simple and childlike yet at the same time it is timeless and profound. It is an extension of the concept of Poetry Buried in Geometry.
The poetry of the everyday is increasingly what I am seeking to capture. The simple things, the details that don’t matter to anyone else or have no place on social media. I also like the idea that objects can capture these. I find myself caring less and less about the destination or any plan I could make for myself and more and more I realise, that it really is living fully day by day that matters most. It’s the wisdom that comes from age and loss I guess.
Anyhow much love to you all. Thank you for being part of my journey and this moment in time. If you would like to add one of my stones to your collection of objects and memories you can do so here.
Jasmine X