“Creativity within Chaos” (with Rachel Power & myself)

“Creativity within Chaos” (with Rachel Power & myself)

Hi guys, Well the long weekend has left me feeling like I am just chasing my tail this week. I actually need all five days! Also, on the said long weekend my husband and I went to Ed Sheeran, our first night away together childless in almost TEN years. This was great,...
Taking Stock in June 2017 (not the ATO kind)….

Taking Stock in June 2017 (not the ATO kind)….

Do you follow Pip Lincolne from “Meet me at Mikes” ?. I really like her warm, down to earth blog. I did her “Taking Stock” list in 2011, (HERE), it is a bit of fun and a nice way to take note of the many changes in life. So much has changed...