
I have been thinking about contentment today and the illusive thing that it can be.  When I am feeling irritable, it is often because I have let discontent creep into my life. This usually happens when I have started measuring myself against other people, and have let my standards be effected by what I see around me. I begin to feel like I am not achieving enough, or working hard enough, or I am still so far from where I would like to be professionally. Letting these thoughts creep in makes me feel negative and shuts me down. So, today, I took a deep breath, reminding myself that I have created the life that I have, which is the life that I have always wanted. I will always be working towards bigger goals, and thats the way I like it.  But, I know I need to balance the driven aspect of my personality, with gratitude for my life as it is today. The things I feel blessed by are the things that bring me back to earth, back to myself. My home, my family, my garden, being outdoors, nurturing those around me, creating beautiful things, painting, this is what makes me truly content. The simple things. A bit ironic really isn’t it. Contentment lies in acceptance of yourself and who you are as a unique person. It lies in living in the moment and breathing in the goodness of all that is wonderful in your life, and, the best part, is that the best is yet to come… !

IMG_0453 IMG_2348 IMG_2480 JasmineMansbridge_8137-2 photo-3Hope you all have a great day tomorrow and spread your contentment all around you!

Jasmine xx